

What's Your Name?

Get up and move with Noodle & Pals on this greetings song for kids, What's Your Name?! Hello, Hello, What's your name? My name is Noodle.

What's your name?

2012年4月2日 — A simple song to practice saying your name. Come join Marty Moose and his friends and sing along.

My Name Song

2018年5月16日 — Sing along with our brand new original song, which is great for introducing yourself, and learning everyone's names!

What's Your Name?

2018年3月8日 — What's Your Name? | featuring Noodle & Pals | Super Simple Songs · Make A Bubble Snake! · I Love The Mountains #shorts #kidssongs # ...

What's Your Name? (Super Simple Puppets version)

2020年2月6日 — https://supersimple.com/app/ Meet and greet the Super Simple Puppets in this super simple greeting song for kids! · http://bit.ly/You-Tube-Kids ...

Hello, What's Your Name? Song

2023年3月19日 — It's a What's Your Name? song for kids! Sing along to the What's Your Name? song and learn or teach how to ask What's Your Name?

What's Your Name?

2021年1月22日 — 這首歌也出現在...

【2分鐘發音】Whats your name?其實台灣人都唸錯了!? ...

終於克服露臉障礙,出現在螢幕前了QQ 你知道name是最常見的台式發音嗎? 要怎麼修正會比較像ABC呢? 這是因為台灣人發這個音,時常少了短母音[I]。

What's Your Name? (My Name Song)

2023年7月1日 — What's Your Name? (My Name Song) | Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes | Fun Cartoons For Kids | Moonbug Kids · Learn to Swim with JJ and Crew | ...

你的名字 Your Name 高畫質桌布圖檔下載

你的名字 Your Name 高畫質桌布圖檔下載
